…Even If You Have No Idea

Where To Start

This eBook Is Everything You Need To Learn How

To Leverage Your Expertise As A Consultant.

You Did Not Come This Far To Only Come This Far. So Stop Struggling With Where To Start...

There is no need to run around the internet streets looking for online business ideas when you have everything you need within you to launch and grow a business to 6-figures. What you have within you is expertise or a skill set that so far only your employers have profited from. You  just  need to learn how to leverage your skills and expertise in a way that benefits you beyond your 9-to-5.

This "Consulting Business Launch Blueprint eBook" is designed to help professionals  just  like you start their consulting business step-by-step...even if you are starting from scratch.  So  no  more aimless  searching on social media trying  to figure out where to start when it comes to  getting your consulting business launched .

You have everything you need with this eBook!


Yes, a 6-figure income is well within your reach as a consultant, but results like that do not happen overnight. How much you earn depends on you taking action and being committed to growing your business.

So if you are looking for a "cash grab" or a “get rich quick” strategy, you have landed on the wrong page.

This eBook is for professionals who know they have expertise and they  just  need help turning it into a consulting business. In other words, you can be new to entrepreneurship and consulting, you  just  have to bring something to the table that you can build a consulting business around. If  you’re  still with me, keep reading.

Here Is Why This eBook Is So Powerful...

The same strategies I outline in this eBook are what I used to grow my business. Just keep in mind that you will have to do more than read the book if you expect to make progress and grow a successful consulting business.

That said, I want to show you exactly what you will get when you buy this eBook today.

First of all, this is not your typical business book where half the book is focused on how great I am, and the other half is filled with a bunch of fluff. It also does not contain nonsense tactics that no longer work or will have you running around in circles. This eBook is a behind-the-scenes look at the exact strategies I help my clients implement in their business.

This book is an easy read with strategies that you can implement in the next week.

You Have So Many Options As A Consultant...

My goal with this eBook is for you to establish a consulting business that fixes a big problem for corporations and organizations so you can finally get paid what your expertise is worth. The best part about being a consultant is you already have expertise. You just need help packaging what you know into a business. This eBook will help you do that. So grab this eBook today.



Simple strategy to build out your consulting business so you don’t have to waste time trying to piece together what you will sell to corporations.

How to identify an audience that wants, needs, and is willing to pay you a premium price for your services so you do not waste time targeting clients with zero intention of paying your rate.

Effective sales and marketing methods you can use to land clients so you can avoid the  feast or famine  lifestyle of many consultants. 

Learn how to get clients to work with you in a way that maximizes your time and marketing efforts.

Pricing strategy to help you avoid confusion about what you should charge and establish rates that reflect the value of your expertise.

How to determine if government contracts are right for your consulting business model and where to find opportunities.

Avoid the biggest one-hit-wonder mistake consultants make when trying to sign on corporations and other organizations as clients.

Learn exactly what to say to land clients when having one-on-one conversations.

Step-by-step system to pitch your services without feeling cringy or hopping on hundreds of sales calls to get a client.

This eBook, and the strategies and systems in it, guarantee you will always be told ‘yes’ when you pitch clients, right? WRONG. You will still face rejection, but this eBook shows you how to develop a system that gets you in front of prospective clients regularly.

I know what you’re thinking…


I did not produce this eBook overnight. I had the pleasure of working with clients who started coaching and consulting businesses over the years. Most of them said they see a lot of information about starting a coaching business, but there is very little about how to successfully launch and grow a consulting business. In fact, a lot of my clients did not know what a consultant did until they started working with me. 

I know not everyone reading my eBook will go on to work with me as their coach. I am also aware that a lot of people buy books only to end up bombarded with so many different strategies to do XYZ, that their head ends up spinning trying to figure everything out. My goal is not to overwhelm you or over complicate what you need to know to get started. So I spent the last year creating a comprehensive blueprint for professionals who know they have expertise, but just do not know where to begin when it comes to packaging, pricing, marketing, and acquiring consultant clients.

If you do not mind, I also would love to give you something else just for getting this eBook - at no cost, might I add!


At the end of this eBook, you are getting a 40-page PDF fillable workbook as a special bonus! This way you can apply everything you learned from the eBook to the specific type of consulting business you want to start. The best part about having this digital workbook is you have all of your ideas and work in one place.

Here Is What To Do Next...

The “cost” of this eBook is nominal for what you are going to get in return when you implement what you learn. For just $19.95, you will get the eBook and bonus workbook instantly. No waiting for anything to arrive in the mail. All you need is your computer and the free version of Adobe to get started. As long as you "SAVE" your work in Adobe, you can map out your consulting business in as many sittings as you need.

Oh, and in case you’re wondering….

Here Is What My Client's Have To Say About Me...

Coach Toni K., Texas

I'm so thankful for Michele and her guidance. She helped me put the pieces together. I didn't have a clue about the tech or where to even start. Now I'm already enrolling clients.

Tessa E., South Carolina

Michele is really intuitive and knows how to translate my thoughts and direction into a polished and professional product. I’m happy I found her to walk me through creating my product from A to Z.

Kevin S., New York

Michele is a Business Coach and Consultant extraordinaire! I've worked with her on a project from concept to completion and I'm blown away about how she has brought my vision to reality.

That Is It...No Catch!

My reason for starting my own business was never to get rich. There was something I wanted that money could not buy and that is time.

I made a decent salary in my previous career as a nonprofit manager, but I had no time.

While I worked 50+ hour weeks at a job that did not value my contributions or expertise, I lost time. The lives of my kids zipped by while I was on the sidelines hoping to get time off to attend an event or even spend time with them.

It seemed like the only option I had to be in control of my time and income was to start a business. 

It took me many years to acquire the knowledge I have to help others leverage what they know to start coaching and consulting programs. Passing the information along to those who need it in the form of a digital product is my way of giving others the necessary resources to live the life they desire for themselves and their family.

I say all of this because people may wonder why I am giving this eBook away for less than the cost of a good meal. I just want you to know there is no catch.

I know social media is full of promises and offers that are too good to be true. Most often they are. But this is not one of those over-the-top promises you are used to seeing on the internet.

Quite honestly, I cringe every time I hear some of these online coaches lie or fail to give people the information they need to be successful. This is usually a marketing tactic to get people to buy their high-ticket coaching programs. However, what happens is most people get so overwhelmed and frustrated that they just quit before they even get started.

I have never felt like I would not get coaching clients if I gave away too much information in my digital products. I deliver enough information for people to lay the foundation for their business to be successful. 

I know some people will take the information from this eBook and workbook and go on to have a profitable consulting business.

That is why I want to get this eBook to as many people as possible with the hope that they will love it, continue to follow my work, and if the time is right, invest with me in the future!

Time Is Of The Essence...

I am giving you fair warning, I do not sell my digital products indefinitely. This page and the offer can change or go away at any time.

So  if  you  are seeing  this eBook offer now, I suggest you grab it TODAY.


Just In Case You Scrolled Past Everything To Skip To The End...

Here is the gist of the offer:

I am offering you an eBook with a bonus workbook that outlines how to get high-paying consulting clients… even if you are a new consultant. The total page count is 107 pages.

The eBook and BONUS workbook is just $19.95! That is it. There is no catch to this at all. Click the button below and claim your copy now. I promise you will not regret it.

About Michele...

Michele Davis is a Business Coach and host of  Da  Boss Experience Podcast. She utilizes her coaching services,  podcast , and digital products to help professionals turn their expertise into an online coaching or consulting business that can replace their 9-to-5 income.

Her mission is to help more people ( particularly  women) launch a business that aligns with their purpose and expertise.

Prior to  starting an online business, Michele was a nonprofit manager.

In 2016, she found herself desperate to escape a toxic, soul-draining, 50+  hour a week  job. She sent what felt like hundreds of resumes to potential employers. Despite her decades of experience in the nonprofit industry and her Master's Degree, Michele barely got interviews and received no job offers.

So  when  the traditional job search no longer worked for her, she had to figure out  a way  to support her daughter.  This  meant creating her  own  income stream.

That's when Michele found herself thrown into entrepreneurship at the age of 45.

Michele initially wasted a lot of time watching, reading, listening, and downloading everything she saw online to the point where she  was paralyzed  when it came time to implement all of the information she consumed.

It wasn't until Michele met the right business mentor to help her put the pieces together that she  found success  as an online entrepreneur.

Once she successfully launched her business and  was able to match  her 9-to-5 salary, she  was able to create  a blueprint to help other professionals do the same.

You have the unique opportunity to experience a glimpse of what it is like to work with Michele when you purchase the "Coaching Business Launch Blueprint eBook".

So  if  you're ready to build a consulting business around your skills and expertise ... click the button below to get your eBook NOW.

*Legal Disclaimer. Any mention of income should not be construed as a guarantee you will get rich from my strategies or from simply buying or reading a $20 book.

While it is feasible that you can earn a great income as a consultant, it is also possible that you can end up earning nothing. Having a successful consulting business requires action and a long-term commitment. Even with these things, there is no guarantee of success. So please keep these things in mind if you decide to purchase this eBook.

P.O. Box 141048, Staten Island, N.Y. 10314

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